Board of Directors

Our all-volunteer Board of Directors is made up of recognized leaders across many areas of expertise. They represent the broad diversity of our organization and contribute significant amounts of time, talent, and energy to further the mission of the Multicultural Coalition.

Board Members

Zac Griess / President / Bosselman Enterprises

Melinda Sturgill / Vice President / Grand Island Public Schools

Kristy Thies / Treasurer / Pinnacle Bank

Naily Mhadjii / Secretary / Business Owner

Chinaza Ezewudo / Mosaic

Norma Hernandez / City of Grand Island

Cora Njuguna / Zabuni Specialty Coffee Auction

Michael Rivera / Nebraska Realty

Kristy Thies / Pinnacle Bank

Tammy Reutzel/ Amur

Laurie Chadek /Grand Island Public Schools (Retired)

Rachelle Lipker/ American Red Cross

Refugee/Asylee Advisory Board

All advisory board members serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Directors.

Member list coming soon.


Executive Board

Zac Griess / President / Bosselman Enterprises

Melinda Sturgill / Vice President / Grand Island Public Schools

Kristy Thies / Treasurer / Pinnacle Bank

Naily Mhadjii / Secretary /

Business Owner